Prepare to blind taste with winetribe
Here you can read about the best way to get started with blind tasting our tasting boxes, find articles about blind tasting and good facts about wine. Although we cannot promise that we can make you a sommelier in one evening, here you can gain more insight into basic wine knowledge and blind wine tasting.

Storage of our wines
Although the wines have a minimum shelf life of two months when you receive the box, the wine is best stored cool and out of direct sunlight. A normal fridge can work just fine for storage if you don't have a wine fridge.

Serving temperature
Although different grapes and types of wine have different recommended serving temperatures, it is better for the wine to be too cold than too hot so that the wine can slowly warm up in the glass.
- White wine 7-9 degrees
- Red wine 13-15 degrees

Oxygenation of wine
You will find that some wines change significantly when they come into contact with oxygen. Try to taste the wine when it has just been poured. Try again after, for example, 10 minutes and taste how the wine has developed.